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Amazing Facts On Ankle Sprains


An ankle sprain is an injury to one of the ligaments in the ankle and though ligaments are strong tissue bands that hold the bones together and they are flexible they can also succumb to sudden twists and this can result in them stretching too far or snapping. They are graded according to the severity with grade I, which indicates that ligaments that are just stretched but not torn, grade II shows that the ligaments have been slightly torn and the last rating is a grade III that indicates fully torn ligaments. In order to diagnose the ankle sprain the physician will give the person a thorough physical exam and they may also need X-rays to eliminate the possibility of broken bones and magnetic resonance imaging may indicate details of the amount of damage to the ligaments but it is not necessary for every case.


The person may get a sprain if the foot lands on the ground at an angle or with excessive force but the person risks an ankle sprain if they have the following incidences: having previous ankle sprains, wearing shoes that do not fit well o do not have a good support, playing sports that require some changes in direction like football, soccer and basketball or if the person walks, run or play on uneven surfaces. For facts about sprain ankle, visit this website at


The signs that manifest in an ankle sprain include the following: ankle pain, difficulty moving the ankle, swelling, bruising, ankle instability in severe sprains and a popping sound during the injury. When handling an ankle sprain there is an approach that can be summarized by the RICE approach in which the first R stands for resting and the person may need to use crutches until when walking is not painful and then the person needs to apply an Ice pack for first three days until the swelling goes down and the ice needs to be applied for between 10-20 minutes after every one or two hours and after two days the person can continue with dry or try contrast baths. Click here to know the Best Ankle Treatment!


In the acronym RICE the C stands for compression, which involves an elastic compression wrap that will aid to reduce swelling, and should don on for the first 24-36 hours and a protective brace should be worn so that it can bear the weight on the injured ankle. The warp should not to be applied too tightly and the bandages have to be loosened if it gets too tight and some of the signs that the bandage is too tight include the following: numbness, tingling, coolness, increased pain or swelling in the area that is below the bandage. In the acronym RICE the letter E stands for elevation since the person needs to raise the ankle above the level of the heart for about 2-3 hours if possible so that the amount of swelling can reduce. Click here for more info!

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